Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tugasan - Articles of Women Entrepreneurs

Female Entrepreneurs Who Overcame Hardship

September 18, 2012 | Filed Under » Entrepreneur, Small Business

Becoming an entrepreneur is no easy task. Now imagine trying to start your own business with a past full of lack of self-esteem, abuse or poverty. These entrepreneurs not only overcame their struggles, but they also managed to make their businesses successful in the face of adversity.

Rhonda Sciortino
Rhonda Sciortino overcame poverty, filth, hunger, abuse and loneliness. She ultimately turned her life in a positive direction and founded two successful companies. One company was the Human Services Insurance, the only retail insurance brokerage in the United States. The sole purpose of the company is to protect people and organizations that care for abused children. Its purpose was to create exclusive insurance programs. According to Sciortino, her company helped negotiate millions of dollars of premium savings for children's homes throughout the U.S.  In 1995, Sciortino founded her second company, Child Welfare Insurance Services, a wholesale insurance operation designed to empower insurance brokers throughout the U.S. to become advocates for the child welfare organizations in their communities. She eventually sold both companies. Sciortino is the author of "Succeed Because of What You've Been Through" and is a real estate investor, speaker and trainer.   “I have an amazing life now,” she says.  “If I told you how really good it is, you might think I was lying, bragging or delusional.  I went from a time of being homeless to building a multi-million dollar balance sheet.  I live in a house overlooking the ocean with celebrities and business owners as neighbors.  Most importantly, I am able to help people in ways I never could have imagined.  Life is awesome.  Now I’m on a mission to help others succeed.”

Jennifer Scully
Jennifer Scully, owner of Discount Designer Furnishings also had her fair share of ups and downs in her life. She went from being a successful singer who sang a duet with Enrique Iglesias to a wealthy stay-at-home mom. Then she was broke and homeless.  Scully sang professionally for 11 years and flipped houses during her spare time, making large profits. After her daughter was born, Scully decided to become a stay-at-home mom, and life was grand. She lived in an eight-bedroom dream home on the North Shore of Long Island and her husband was a successful trader, well known on Wall Street. After divorcing her husband in 2009 when her daughter was four years old, however, things started spiraling downward. "Our investment in our home was $2.7 million and two years later it was valued at $1.25 million. That's exactly what the sale price was. My husband lost his job and things were bleak," she says. Scully states they practically lost the house in a short sale, along with most of their belongings. She changed her entire way of life, bought nothing except gas and food, had no health insurance, and had no money for school supplies.  Although she began working at lightning speed to produce enough income to support herself and her daughter, Scully couldn't keep up. She and her daughter gave up everything they had and moved in with Scully's mother in order to save money.   Eventually things started turning around. After losing her rental home and moving in with her mother, she was able to focus mainly on growing her designer business. Her business took a positive turn in 2011 and she began selling enough furniture to enable her to open a separate web-based furniture business, selling to people across the U.S. and Canada. She's made over $300,000 in sales this year so far.

The Bottom Line
These women overcame adversity and went on to become successful entrepreneurs. Becoming a successful entrepreneur can be difficult, but these women have proven that even obstacles like abuse and poverty can't keep business-savvy people from achieving success.

Indra Nooyi is known to us all as the popular Chief Financial Officer and President of PepsiCo industries. However, like all beginnings hers too was a humble one. The highest ranking Indian-born woman entrepreneur in the US today hails from a common middle class Tamil family. But she did not become one of most successful Indian women by following convention. As a teenager, Indra Nooyiplayed cricket for a team and also managed to play guitar for a rock band. In a manner of saying she managed to be 'improper' by Indian standards for a girl; probably, there lies the secret of her success.
Educational Background: The Roots
Indra Nooyi has a bachelors degree in maths and physics but she did not become one of the most successful women in business with that. She did her MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata and took up her first job with Tootal, a British textile company. Her first big break came with the Stayfree account at Johnson & Johnson where she worked for 6 years. But she found herself under-prepared for someone destined to become one of the greatest Indian woman entrepreneurs.
USA Here I Come...
Indra Nooyi pursued higher studies from Yale University in Public and Private Management communications. The importance of communication as a marketing strategy that she learned at Yale stayed with her and prodded her to become one of the best Indian woman entrepreneurs. She struggled for 2 years, the duration of her course, with finances and reportedly had no money to buy business suits. This woman CEO of the future attended her business school and her first interviews in a saree!
Motorola, PepsiCo And The Success Story Begins:
After completing her degree in 1980 she went work for a Boston Business Solutions Consultancy where she got her on-the-job experience for business strategy. Being the achiever that she is her next jump was to Motorola, then known as ABB. Her 6 years there were very productive and laid the foundation for her 'dream job' at PepsiCo. In 1994, she made that path breaking move to PepsiCo and was soon promoted to the post of CFO.
The Visionary Strategist:
Successful women in business are few and far but here is a woman very much worth her salt. She sealed crucial deals for PepsiCo like buying off the Tropicana juice line and acquisition of Quaker Oats.She has been in the front line for business communications of the global cola giant Pepsi and handles their marketing strategies single-handed. Need we say more about this charismatic Indian woman who has managed to avoid the lime light in spite of her legendary success.
The Mother, Wife At Home:
Indra Nooyi is married to Raj, who in her words is a 'fantastically supportive husband'. They have two daughters. In spite of breaking the glass ceiling and becoming a top corporate in the US, she retains her belief in the good luck of Ganesha and her family values. A Indian woman who is truly an inspiration.


Oleh Mohd Anwar Patho Rohman
LAWATAN: Zainal (tengah) melihat operasi membuat sarung tangan di kilang milik Hafizah (kiri) dalam lawatannya ke Kampung Sungai Chenaam, Sungai Setar Kecil, Nibong Tebal.

NIBONG TEBAL: Perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan dan perkembangan ekonomi terutama sektor pembuatan yang menjadi penggerak utama dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Ini kerana, PKS boleh dijadikan sebagai tulang belakang dan pendukung dalam memenuhi hasrat dan cita-cita wawasan pembangunan ekonomi negara selepas 2020.  Secara umumnya, PKS membuka banyak peluang pekerjaan, membantu melahirkan dan meningkatkan kemahiran tenaga kerja baik di peringkat pekerja mahupun peringkat pengurusan dan membantu dalam meningkatkan arus pemindahan teknologi asing. Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah ada individu yang sanggup melabur untuk menceburi bidang PKS kerana menyedari peluang dan keuntungan yang mampu diraih. Selain bertujuan mendapatkan keuntungan, PKS adalah industri yang menyedia peluang pekerjaan terutama penduduk setempat, lebih-lebih lagi jika tapak pengeluarannya terletak di luar bandar.  Bagi menyahut seruan kerajaan menggalakkan PKS terutama di luar bandar, seorang wanita, Hafizah Mohd Isa, memberanikan diri membina sebuah kilang menghasilkan sarung tangan pelbagai guna pakai buang di Kampung Sungai Chenaam di sini. Kilang yang diberi nama Metro Glove Suppliers (MGS) yang ditubuhkan pada 2001 dengan modal pusingan RM100,000, selain modal membeli 100 mesin menjahit bernilai RM200,000.
Hafizah, 38, ibu kepada seorang anak perempuan, beruntung kerana mendapat sokongan dan dorongan daripada suami, Mohadzir Ahmad, untuk menceburi perusahaan yang jarang disertai Bumiputera. Pengurus berjiwa besar ini menyewa tanah milik Pertubuhan Peladang Kawasan (PPK) Sungai Chenaam pada kadar RM500 sebulan untuk membolehkan kilangnya beroperasi.  Siapa sangka kilang kecil dengan 45 pekerja itu kini mampu mengeluarkan sehingga 15,000 dozen sarung tangan pelbagai guna dan mampu memperoleh pendapatan sehingga RM70,000 sebulan. Produk keluarannya juga menjadi pilihan kilang besar di negeri ini kerana memenuhi kehendak pasaran dengan berkonsepkan pakai buang. Buatan dan kualiti sarung tangan yang dihasilkannya juga diakui setanding dengan buatan luar negara oleh pihak industri. Lebih membanggakan lagi, kilang kecil yang terletak agak jauh dari bandar besar ini memberikan peluang pekerjaan kepada penduduk setempat khasnya golongan wanita yang terdiri daripada suri rumah dan ibu tunggal. "Saya cuba menyahut seruan kerajaan menggalakkan Bumiputera menyertai bidang perniagaan dan industri. Pembabitan saya dalam bidang ini mendapat sokongan daripada suami kerana beliau juga terbabit dalam industri ini. “Lebih membanggakan saya sebagai seorang wanita, kilang ini dapat menawarkan peluang pekerjaan kepada penduduk di kampung ini khasnya golongan wanita," katanya ketika ditemui, baru-baru ini.
Beliau bersyukur kerana mendapat pekerja yang berdedikasi walaupun kebanyakannya suri rumah yang tidak memiliki kelulusan atau pendidikan yang tinggi. Hafizah sendiri tidak percaya yang beliau mampu menjadi pengurus dengan menguruskan segala urusan perniagaan, operasi kilang, mencari pasaran dan berbincang dengan pelanggan. Namun berbekalkan pengalamannya yang pernah berkhidmat dalam institusi perbankan, ia menjadi kekuatan kepada dirinya untuk meneruskan perniagaan dengan bantuan suami. “Suami sangat menyokong dan dia adalah penguat semangat saya untuk terus berdiri dalam bidang ini," katanya.  Wanita ini turut membayangkan sasaran MGS untuk meneroka pasaran sarung tangan pelbagai guna pakai buang ini ke luar negara berdasarkan permintaan yang diterima bagi pasaran domestik. Kewujudan kilang ini pernah mendapat perhatian bekas Timbalan Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman yang menganggap ia adalah contoh kejayaan Bumiputera menceburi PKS dan membantu membangunkan kawasan luar bandar. Kata Zainal, kewujudan kilang itu membantu meningkatkan pendapatan dan ekonomi penduduk setempat dan ia wajar dicontohi pengusaha PKS Bumiputera di negara ini. "Ia adalah contoh kejayaan usaha kerajaan melahirkan usahawan PKS dan memajukan kawasan kampung," katanya. 


JURIFAH menerima anugerah Usahawan Jaya daripada Mohd. Johari (kanan) pada Seminar Usahawan Industri Asas Tani 2010 di Kuala Lumpur semalam.

KUALA LUMPUR - Seorang bekas pegawai sebuah bank di ibu negara, Jurifah Kadis, 43, sangat meminati baulu gulung namun agak sukar baginya memperoleh kuih tradisional itu di pasaran.
Kesukaran itu akhirnya mendatangkan idea kepadanya untuk mempelajari cara-cara membuat baulu hingga mendorongnya menjalankan perniagaan dengan jenama 'Baulu Classiq' dengan modal permulaan sebanyak RM15,000.  Dia kemudian mengambil keputusan berhenti kerja makan gaji dan menjalankan perniagaan itu secara sepenuh masa.
Dalam tempoh 10 tahun, Jurifah tidak menyangka perniagaan hasil titik peluhnya itu mendatangkan pulangan lumayan dan kepayahan tersebut dibalas apabila dinobatkan sebagai pemenang utama pada Pertandingan Usahawan Jaya 2009/2010 (Kategori RM250,000).  Dia menerima wang tunai RM3,000, trofi kristal dan sijil penghargaan yang disampaikan oleh Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Mohd. Johari Baharum pada Seminar Usahawan Industri Asas Tani 2010 di sini semalam.  "Dalam menjana perniagaan, saya juga berbesar hati kerana AgroBank (dulu dikenali sebagai Bank Pertanian Malaysia) banyak memberi laluan mudah kepada saya untuk membuat pinjaman.
"Pada masa sama, dalam tempoh sebulan sahaja, saya berjaya mendapat sijil halal daripada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim)," kata Jurifah yang menekankan bahawa memperoleh sijil halal adalah penting bagi meyakinkan para pengguna.

STAR Studio Image Consultancy

Aziah Jasmin Azizul Hassan is the owner of Star Studio Salon and Star Studio Image Consultancy. Besides having her own top to toe beauty centre in Kota Damansara, Aziah is the managing director and master trainer for her training company, Star Studio Image Consultancy which focuses on soft skills training mainly in image appearance, etiquette behaviour, communications and media training.

A once familiar face with TV3 as the anchor reader, her training programs is catered for organizations, individual and youth programs. Being a TV personality and her expertise in these areas has made her the speaker for many government agencies campaign and programs and also campaigns for some beauty companies.

Star Studio Image Consultancy prides itself as trainers to some of the giant multinational companies, local corporations and government agencies while Newspaper Direct successfully given the rights by the government to print and distribute 600 titles of foreign newspapers to its market in Malaysia.

Star Studio Image Consultancy contributes charity work by training children’s etiquette and free hair cut services to the children in Rumah Titian Kaseh orphanage and Cheshire Homes for the disabled.

LR Designs Sdn Bhd

Datin Nadzley Noordin is the Adviser to LR Designs Sdn Bhd., wholly owned by Bumiputras and 90% owned by women Entrepreneur. A Chartered Accountant, graduated from Univerasity of Malaya with Economic Degree (Accounting) and Post Graduate in Accounting. Before she become an entrepreneur, has worked in the Ministry of Finance (Treasury) for almost 20 years. She has serve as Accountant in Public Services Department( Pension Division), Chief Accountant in Registrar of Companies, First Lady appointed by Goverment to be State Treasurer (Penang), Finance Director of Fisheries Authority(LKIM) , Head Of Account in Ministry of Health, Director Of Account for Ministry of Home Affairs including Registration Department, Immigration Department, Prison Department,RELA PDRM, Penapisan Filem and lastly Internal Auditor of Accountant General Office. She has opted for early retirement from government service and started her Interior Design Company in 1997. While she was in the government she has been awarded with two awards from His Royal Highness Yang DiPertuan Agong ie.Kesatria Mangku Negara(KMN) and Ahli Mangku Negara (AMN) and twice awarded Excellent Service Award from Minister of Home Affairs and also Prime Minister.
LR Designs Sdn. Bhd. has been in existence for almost 14 years. The first two big projects were Talam Medical Centre and Bank Industry of Malaysia which has a project value of more than RM 20 Million. When the government launched the new township for government offices in Putarajaya, LR Designs Sdn. Bhd. has been awarded a few ministry including Ministry of Science and Technologies (Parcel C), Ministry of Youth and Sports (Parcel G),Ministry of Education and Attorny General Department. Other projects include Menara Telekom, Pasar Rakyat Sdn. Bhd., MKN Sdn. Bhd., and Guinot Boutique at KLCC.
Even though she is not a qualified Interior Designer, she manage the company well with the support services and the other qualified Interior Design Partner. Total value of the project that has been completed by LR Designs amounts to almost RM 115 Million. Other than this Interior Design company, she also Directors for family owned Investment and Property Companies, locally and overseas.
Beside managing her own business, Datin Nadzley also actively involve in Non-Government Organizations such as, Malaysian Institute Of Accountant (MIA), National Council Of Women Organisation (NCWO-Hon.Treasurer) ,NAWEM (Pass Vice President Memborship,present Committee Member), PUSPANITA Kebangsaan (Pass Hon-Treasurer, Present Deputy Chairman for Life Member,Welfare and Religious Affair Commitee and Treasurer), Association for Bumiputra Women in Business (PENIAGAWATI- Life Member, Pass Internal Auditor), Federation of Women Entrepreneur of Malaysia (FEM- Internal-Auditor), Women Graduate Association of Malaysia (PSWM-Internal-Auditor) and PERTIWI . She also involve in supporting an orphanage and single mother’s Home in Selangor and Kedah.

Data-Tech Sdn Bhd

Sarojini Ruth Rajahser is the Managing Director of Data-Tech Sdn Bhd, a company providing outsourcing services for transferring data into input media such as paper document, microfilm and microfiche. A true entrepreneur at heart, Sarojini’s success story began with a humble start as a data entry operator. She quickly moved up the ranks to supervisor and her efforts paid-off when she bought over the company where she start her career.  She built the company into what it is today and is indeed very proud of the status it now enjoys as the leader in providing data entry services. The company is the largest data capture outsourcing bureau in Malaysia with over 300 staff, majority of who have more than 15 years of experience. Data-Tech Sdn Bhd will tailor the outsourcing services according to your business needs be it Offsite or Onsite. Data-Tech will provide the data capture facility and the resources at its/client's site and will execute a non-disclosure agreement with the client to guarantee the confidentiality of the information.
Data-Tech Sdn Bhd assists business enterprises and statutory bodies in Malaysia to convert their data from analog to digital format during the era of Malaysia's computerization process. Today Data-Tech Sdn Bhd uses state-of-the-art conversion tools which allows you to convert data of any format to electronic. Even though she is not a qualified Interior Designer, she manage the company well with the support services and the other qualified Interior Design Partner. Total value of the project that has been completed by LR Designs amounts to almost RM 115 Million. Other than this Interior Design company, she also Directors for family owned Investment and Property Companies, locally and overseas.
Beside managing her own business, Datin Nadzley also actively involve in Non-Government Organizations such as, Malaysian Institute Of Accountant (MIA), National Council Of Women Organisation (NCWO-Hon.Treasurer) ,NAWEM (Pass Vice President Memborship,present Committee Member), PUSPANITA Kebangsaan (Pass Hon-Treasurer, Present Deputy Chairman for Life Member,Welfare and Religious Affair Commitee and Treasurer), Association for Bumiputra Women in Business (PENIAGAWATI- Life Member, Pass Internal Auditor), Federation of Women Entrepreneur of Malaysia (FEM- Internal-Auditor), Women Graduate Association of Malaysia (PSWM-Internal-Auditor) and PERTIWI . She also involve in supporting an orphanage and single mother’s Home in Selangor and Kedah.

Securiforce Sdn Bhd

Datuk Maznah Hamid is one of the entrepreneur that capable in Datuk Maznah is the Securiforce Group Executive Chairman. She established and steered Securiforce from an unknown entity 27 years ago, to become the largest Security provider in Malaysia, successfully rising over more than a hundred other competitive companies of a similar nature.  She live with her grandmother from 5 years old due to the family break up and this make her more strong and confident that this weakness can be turned into the strength. When she in the college, the interest that she have is in literature studies as that she focused on that area. As she graduated from the college, she find herself working as teacher and translator at teaching institute. After that, she continued to work as translator at multinational companies.
She get the ideas of choosing a security company as she works at the rich community houses as the translator and she saw the business opportunity for the security services especially for the rich community. Her ideas also being supported from the rich friends who said the security services still lack in investment and also had a big opportunity. She started her business with merely RM5000 from her savings compared to other companies of similar nature that began with capitals between RM500000 to RM1milion. She now heads nearly 50 branches with employees reaching to almost 5000, hundreds of firearms and numerous armoured vehicles. The services are not only limited to static guard but also spans to logistic, cash-in-transit, cash management, high tech cargo management, armoured trucking service, as  well as numerous other services. Securiforce provides a complete and total security package,pioneering the concept of ‘total security’ As a result of her sheer dedication and management ability, Securiforce has now developed and diversified into many subsidiary companies, thriving from strength to strength. One such example is Danau Lumayan, a Property Development Company situated at Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras. Danau Lumayan has signed a Privatised Agreement with Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur to develop a parcel of Land situated at Bandar Tun Razak. Danau Lumayan builds and sells exclusive condominiums and penthouses. Securiforce, in its continuing effort to become a fully integrated security and total solutions provider to meet customer needs, has established Securiforce Logistics, a sea and air freight forwarding service with branches in Singapore, Bangkok, China, Korea, Turkey and Germany. 
The key success in Datuk Maznah’s story is that all her companies were established and progressively growing without any aid from the banking institutions. This has gained her much admiration and respect from peers as well as competitors. Her philosophy of success and achievement can be seen in her belief that “the main capital in business is yourself”. She carries the principle of “we should produce a workload more than what we are paid for, as in the end, we will be rewarded much more than what we have done”. The main principle that we must hold all this is a burning desire to take the cake. The burning desire is strong emotional drive to move all the "machinery" within us to achieve a dream. It would also make us more resilient and able to face various challenges and trials after success.
Entrepreneurship is an area that is challenging, full of risk. Therefore, if we want to be a successful entrepreneur, we need to make a complete inventory. To emerge as a dynamic entrepreneur, we need to prepare mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. As an entrepreneur, we have to face various forms of challenges, obstacles and expectations. It will come in many shapes and forms that will be challenging ourselves, faith, our strength as an entrepreneur title. I should emphasize, especially to students of high school graduates who want to become entrepreneurs, create self-sufficient supply and try to establish personal and personality characteristics of a pure entrepreneur before venturing into entrepreneurship. What is not taught in a college or university of science business, is something different from what would be encountered in business. This is because all the techniques or tactics of business to be obtained indirectly when a person is to venture forth in this field.
This principle has lead to major successes in her business career.  For her outstanding leadership qualities and distinguished entrepreneurship, she was invited to introduce the motivational programme at TV3 in 1990, where she was made Motivational Counsellor and Success Counsellor at both RTM and TV3. Hence, we quite often hear her familiar voice over the radio, and see her appearances on television.  She was also a Motivational Counsellor of Human Development, Business Development and a Success Counsellor at several institutes of higher learning. Her endurance, ’guts feeling’, ’persistency’ and ‘sustaining power’ become her most prized asset. She continuously tries to instill those strengths through her ”ZERO TO HERO” seminar and ”AWAKEN THE SPIRIT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP/INTRAPRENEURSHIP”. Through this seminar, she hopes to awaken and empower the entrepreneurship spirit within every individual. Due to her deep interest in human development, she created MMC, Maznah Motivational Centre, which conducts seminars on business and human development.  She had also published a book entitled “MOTIVASI MEMBURUKEJAYAAN” (3K) in Malay and Mandarin, based on her principles, practices and experiences, in her effort to strive for excellent, powerful results. The English version for the 3K book will be published soon.  The encouragement and the way of thinking is one of the elements that can be learned from Datuk Maznah Hamid. She proves that success is achievable with the determination and also hard working.

Peneraju Kemajuan Pekebun Kecil

PONTIAN: Selepas beberapa bulan mendirikan rumah tangga dengan suami tersayang Isman Marzuki tersemat keinginan di hati Alimah Katderi, 60, untuk menjadi usahawan terkenal dan berjaya dengan cemerlang.  Bagaimanapun, ketika itu, Alimah tidak tahu apakah jenis perniagaan yang akan dijalankan dan beliau mula meninjau peluang perniagaan yang ada termasuk mengambil kira pasaran dan permintaan pelanggan.  Bersama suami yang sentiasa memberi sokongan dan dorongan, Alimah rajin berkunjung ke beberapa karnival makanan ringan hasil tani yang dianjurkan oleh Jabatan Pertanian dan RISDA sama ada yang diadakan di daerah Pontian atau di luar daerah untuk melihat pelbagai pameran dan jualan hasil tani.
Usaha itu ternyata membuka minda dan mendorong Alimah untuk mencuba menceburi bidang berkenaan, khususnya menghasilkan makanan ringan berasaskan hasil tani.  Alimah yang ditemui di kedai jualan makanan ringan hasil tani di Kampung Parit Wak Jabir, Jalan Parit Ismail, Benut Pontian, berkata dia begitu tertarik untuk menjadi usahawan makanan ringan hasil tani dan meluahkan perasaan yang terpendam itu kepada suaminya untuk mendapat restu.  "Berkat sokongan suami yang juga mempunyai citacita sama maka keinginan menjadi usahawan mulai terserlah, inilah yang dikatakan sehati sejiwa, sehaluan mempunyai cita-cita yang serupa," katanya.  Namun, kerana ketiadaan modal yang mencukupi beliau mencuba secara kecil-kecilan memproses makanan ringan itu dari hasil tani, seperti pisang, ubi, keledek dan keladi yang sedia ada ditanam di halaman rumahnya.  Alimah berkata, pada peringkat awalnya makanan ringan hasil tani itu hanya dijual di beberapa kedai yang berdekatan dan di kantin sekolah.
"Atas rasa yakin, perniagaan saya maju dalam tempoh yang singkat dan memasarkan produk ke Johor Bahru, Singapura dan Kuala Lumpur, selain menerima tempahan majlis keramaian.
"Apa yang penting mutu produk kerana pengguna menitikberatkan barangan bermutu tinggi pada harga yang berpatutan," katanya sambil memberitahu, permintaan makanan ringan meningkat setiap kali ada majlis keramaian khususnya majlis perkahwinan.  Keadaan itu memaksa Alimah bekerja lebih masa bagi memenuhi permintaan pelanggan.  Kata beliau, perusahaannya kini berjalan dengan lancar atas bantuan lima pekerja yang mahir serta menggunakan peralatan moden bagi membantu menjalankan tugas dengan mudah, selesa dan berkualiti. "Bagi menghargai jasa pekerjanya yang berdisiplin dan patuh itu, saya memberi pakaian dan wang sagu hati mengikut kemampuan ketika menjelang hari raya," katanya.  Beliau memberitahu, kejayaan yang dicapainya itu adalah atas sokongan penduduk tempatan, justeru itu sebagai membalas atas sokongan mereka itu, Alimah memproses pelbagai makanan hasil tani itu dari bahan mentah seperti pisang, ubi, keledek, keladi dan lainlain yang dibekalkan oleh penduduk tempatan.
Katanya, kejayaan itu mungkin tidak dikecapi tanpa bantuan Jabatan Pertanian Daerah Pontian dan RISDA yang menyediakan pelbagai mesin serta membantu mendirikan bangunan tambahan.
"Saya bercita-cita memperluaskan perusahaan berdasarkan sambutan orang ramai terhadap pengeluarannya," katanya yang kini berstatus ibu tunggal selepas kematian suaminya sejak 11 tahun yang lalu.
Di atas kecekalan menjalani liku-liku hidup sebagai ibu tunggal, ibu kepada empat anak yang masing-masing sudah berumah tangga, beliau kini menjadi pengusaha makanan ringan hasil tani yang berjaya sekali gus menyambung cita-cita yang terpahat ketika bersama suami tersayang.


Taman Delima, Sungai Petani – Minuman amat penting bagi meneruskan kehidupan berbanding makanan. Sekiranya manusia tidak mendapat air selepas tujuh hari, manusia akan mengalami kematian. Demikianlah yang dibicara oleh usahawan wanita yang mengusahakan air berkabonat sejak 8 tahun yang lalu.  Oleh kerana minat untuk berniaga, Siti Faridah Ismail telah menubuhkan sebuah syarikat air berkabonat CT Muaz Enterprise di Taman Delima, dekat Sungai Petani.  Minat dan usaha yang ditonjolkan beliau telah membuktikan bahawa wanita turut boleh menjadi usahawan yang berjaya.  Beliau telah mengeluarkan modal sebanyak RM50 000 untuk memulakan perniagaan dengan membeli mesin-mesin bancuhan air minuman secara manual dan lain-lain keperluan perniagaan.“Saya mensasarkan untuk mengeluar serta mengedar 1 juta botol air seminggu dan akan menjualnya ke pasaran berhampiran termasuk sekitar negeri Kedah, Pulau Pinang dan Perak. Selain itu, saya juga ingin meluaskan pasaran saya ke peringkat lebih tinggi.”
“Sekiranya ada pihak yang berminat untuk menjadi agen pemasaran produk minuman berkabonat ini turut dialu-alukan dan boleh la melawat ke kilang saya yang terletak di Taman Delima. Hal ini dapat saya janjikan bahawa perniagaan ini akan membawa keuntungan yang berlipat kali ganda.  Ketika seluruh umat islam sedang mengerjakan ibadan puasa pada bulan ramadhan, saya telah membuka sebuah gerai kecil di Bazar Ramadhan Taman Delima. Hasil jualan air berkabonat ini mampu mendapat RM1 000 sehari.” Jelasnya.  Sehingga kini, beliau telah berjaya menghasilkan lapan perisa minuman air berkabonat, iaitu perisa Kola, Kola Biru, Oren, Strawberi, Anggur, Soda, Sasri, dan Buah-buahan. Keistimewaan air berkarbonat ini adalah menggunakan gula stevia.  “Gula stevia ini mempunyai pelbagai kebaikan kerana ia juga merupakan air gula yang boleh merawat penyakit. Antara penyakit yang boleh dirawat dengan air ini adalah buasir, tekanan darah tinggi, menghilangkan parut, menghilangkan jerawat dan jeragat, mengurangkan migrin, mengatasi batuk dan sesak nafas.”
“Pada zaman kini, kebanyakkan pengusaha minuman berkarbonat hanya mementingkan kandungan gula dan keuntungan semata-mata. Tetapi, mereka mengabaikan kesihatan pembeli dan pengguna.  “Oleh itu, saya menyeru agar orang ramai mencuba dan membeli air minuman berkabonat CT Muaz kerana ia boleh merawat pelbagai penyakit selain mengurangkan rasa kehausan.” Terangnya.